Satellite Apps Made my PKM Work Faster Using 11 Apps. Here You Got Them!

2 min read

I have one obsession: make my life as simple as possible.

My PKM is no exception.

Do you want to simplify your life?

My PKM System

My PKM is based on 4 systems:

  1. Capture
  2. Process
  3. Act
  4. Think

I have different apps for each of them.

My Core Apps

I call them “core apps” because they’re my PKM’s core:

  1. Capture: My Mind
  2. Process: no need for any app (simplicity…)
  3. Act: Notion + Obsidian
  4. Think: Xmind + Roam + Obsidian

My Satellite Apps

Then, what the heck are satellite apps?

They’re apps that excel in what they do.

It’s just a very concrete feature, but they excel performing it.

Satellite apps work so well that they allow me to avoid the Process System because I move directly from Capture to Act/Think (simplicity…).

They free my core apps from many processes.

That’s why it doesn’t matter that my total number of apps grows.

My workflow is much faster.

Being a paperless guy for more than a decade, today my PKM system uses 11 apps: 5 core + 6 satellite.

Here you have my satellite apps:


Follow these steps:

  1. Look for apps for your core system.
  2. Look for satellite apps that allow you to move faster from capturing to act/think.
  3. Let your workflows go.
  4. Enjoy the journey.

Photo by NASA on Unplash.