A Rational 7-Step Process Knowledge Workers Can Implement in Their PKM to Achieve Happiness

2 min read

You want to be happy.

It’s “the end goal” for everyone. You think your PKM is just to manage data.

It can take you further: directly to happiness.

Why Do You Need Mental Models?

I love mental models.

They tell you the exact steps to follow to achieve your destination.

Here, I share the 7 steps you should follow to achieve happiness using your PKM.

Step 1: Writing

Writing things down is a healthy habit.

When you see things on paper (or on the screen), you start “visualizing” your thoughts.

Watching what you think takes you to step 2.

Step 2: Thinking

Reading your written thoughts makes you think.

You begin to see gaps. You express things better.

You start “connecting the dots”.

Step 3: Learning

It’s by expressing and connecting ideas how you learn.

Learning is being (almost) sure you know something.

It’s your gate to step 4.

Step 4: Understanding

You understand something when you can explain it most simply.

You cannot explain what you don’t understand.

Understanding is the beginning of evolution.

Step 5: Growing

The more you understand, the more you grow.

It’s by consolidating understandings that you build your growth process.

It’s by growing how you move to step 6.

Step 6: Fulfillment

Fulfillment is what you search for in your life.

Fulfillment should drive your life, all your actions, and thoughts.

Feeling fulfilled is priceless.

Step 7: Happiness

Happiness is:

  • Enjoying long periods of fulfillment.
  • Having as many fulfilled moments as possible.
  • The end of a journey you begin simply by writing things down in your PKM.


  • Use your PKM as a powerful tool that can lead you towards happiness.
  • The more you use it, the more you increase the probability of success.
  • Start by writing. End by having the life of joy you deserve.


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash.