9 Features Entrepreneurs Can Quickly Set Up on Obsidian to Gain Clarity, Focus, and Momentum

3 min read

Are you an entrepreneur suffering from stress?

Would you like to gain clarity, focus, and momentum?

Keep reading…

Some Key Previous Considerations

The article is based on Obsidian, but it can inspire you for any other app.

In fact, I apply these principles to many others, such as Readwise Read Later App, Drafts, or even to manage my email or how I use my web browser.

Remember: workflows and processes are always much more important than apps.

Quick note: I’ll share the hotkeys I’ve set up on Obsidian. They’re Apple’s.

2 Essential Concepts to Understand Related to Your Productivity

Before moving deeper, I tell you I’ve structured the article in 2 different productivity concepts so that you can better understand what we’re pursuing:

  1. Momentum.
  2. Clarity and focus.

1. Momentum

One of the main goals is to make your PKM work at your brain’s speed.

You don’t want to lose flow or momentum. That can happen in a matter of milliseconds. That’s why you have to avoid any obstacle.

Hotkeys are an essential element to succeed.

2. Clarity and focus

You need a clean and open space to express yourself without limitations.

At the same time, you need to be focused on an exact idea to develop it at its best. Cleaning up your working space and having just one point to look at are key elements.

That’s how you’re concentrated, focused, performing at your highest level.

MOMENTUM features

1. Sliding Panes Plugin (Andy’s mode)

This plugin is inspired by the UI of Andy Matuschak’s notes.

The panels will remain a fixed width (but resizable) and stack so you can scroll between them.

Moving at your brain’s speed from one note to another is priceless.

2. Stick the cursor to the content

It’s an option in the Outliner’s plugin.

You can move quickly through your lists without being affected by bullets by turning it on.

3. Moving lists while outlining

The key point is this: you move THE WHOLE LIST. I mean: all the parent-child structure!

It allows you to:

  • Move ideas fast up and down.
  • Quickly create new hierarchies or dependencies.

Hotkey: Cmd+Shift+arrow up or down.

4. Fast navigation through notes.

Just using one screen, you can move fast from one note to another, forward and backward.

Hotkey: Opt+left or right arrow.

CLARITY and FOCUS features

1. Headers

Use them to create a structure for your thoughts.

Use markdown editors. Just using the “#” symbol, you can create all the levels you may need.

I don’t usually go further than 2–3 levels.

I prefer bullet lists instead of headers because they help me outline, a technique I consider the fastest to develop thoughts and ideas.

2. Fold/Unfold a header/list

It allows you to play with granularity.

Bird eye’s view or microscopic view just with a hotkey.

Hotkey: Cmd+arrow up or down.

3. Fold/Unfold all headers

Whenever you’re lost, collapse all your headers and gain clarity.

Whenever you want to see “the whole story”, unfold everything.

Hotkey: Cmd+Opt+left or right arrow.

4. Zoom Plugin

I call it “laser focus”.

Just a hotkey and you’re inside a header or list.

The rest disappears.

You cannot ask for more talking about focus.

Hotkeys: Cmd+. and Cmd+Shift+.

5. Closing Sidebars

Decide what sidebar bothers you: left, right, or both.

Create space in your workspace as needed.

Hotkeys: Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+3.


  • Whenever you feel stressed, look for these 3 elements.
  • Bring momentum, clarity, and focus to your life.
  • Your PKM can easily lead you to that paradise.


Photo by Birger Strahl on Unsplash.