Your PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) can make you improve in a way you cannot imagine.
1. Your PKM Gives You Control Over What You Do
The more you use it, the better and more positive sensations you’ll feel:
- Control
- Security
- Relaxation
- Peace of mind
- …
2. Your PKM Lets You Store Information to Retrieve it Later
That lets your brain “empty” to dedicate time to thinking, as David Allen says:
“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” — David Allen
3. Your PKM Allows You Not to Forget Anything
Everything’s written down so that you can recall it.
4. Your PKM Lets You Define Goals, Projects, and Habits
That brings coherence to your life:
- You know why you’re doing the things you’re doing.
- You can track your habits.
- You can see and feel your progress.
5. Your PKM Tells You What to Do and When to Do it
You just let yourself go “down the hill”. Everything runs smoothly, frictionlessly.
6. Your PKM Lets You Think
You can dedicate time to write, think, express feelings and emotions, schedule events, connect the data to evolve as a human being.
- Whenever you let your PKM be a part of your deepest inner self, it’ll give you back even more than you put in.
Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash.